Need to convert a Figma presentation into a .ppt? (Say no more)
All too often, a client needs an editable version of their deck. In the past, we would have to painstakingly piecemeal it together in PowerPoint. Those days are over, friend. […]
Insights and tips on using Figma for design projects.
All too often, a client needs an editable version of their deck. In the past, we would have to painstakingly piecemeal it together in PowerPoint. Those days are over, friend. […]
Made this plugin to generated stippling & halftone effect directly in figma byu/realvjy inFigmaDesign
Transform Raster to Vector in Figma! byu/priyankarajj inFigmaDesign
This is a cool approach and would only work on a simple design but I like the concept. Anyone else design 3 viewports at the same time? byu/spacewood inFigmaDesign